What do Vascular Surgeons do?

What do vascular surgeon do?

Vascular surgeons are specialists who are highly trained to treat diseases of the vascular system. Our blood vessels – Arteries carrying oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the peripheries and Veins carrying blood back to the heart – are the roadways of your circulatory system. Conditions such as hardening of the arteries can create “Blocks or Occlusions” in your circulatory system, obstructing the flow of blood to any part of the body.

A vascular surgeon does far more than surgery.

A vascular surgeon makes sure patients with vascular diseases, understand’s  all their options which most of the cases may not require Surgery. Many vascular problems can be treated with medication or exercise. In case of a Vascular patients ,Vascular Surgeons  also perform role of a Vascular Physician taking care of patients needs as Preventive Vascular health specialist.

Vascular Surgeons Manage Veins and Arteries in Every Part of the Body Except the Brain and the Heart.

Vascular surgeons are trained in everything: open, complicated surgery and in minimally invasive, endovascular procedures. Some patients need one, some need the other, while many need no surgery at all. Patients can be assured they will get the best treatment for their particular need.

For example, vascular surgeons handle blocked carotid arteries in the neck. They treat the problems of the aorta (a large main artery) after it leaves the heart and enters the abdomen. Peripheral vascular disease, which often affects the arteries in the legs and feet, also is treated by a vascular surgeon.